Sunday, February 20, 2011


Q: How do I specify which of my pages I want a post to go under?
A: On Blogger, it is mainly about posts, not pages. Normally you make a new post. It ends up on top of your other posts in reversed chronological order. The number of posts you can make, is almost unlimited. However if you use static pages, you are allowed to have only 10 pages. 

Unlike other blogging platforms (word press, my space, typepad, livejournal, multiply, facebook, orkut, friendster, hi5), on Blogger, we do not call a blog, a blog. We call it a post. When you wish to make a new blog, you should click on "new post". Other wise you would be creating blog after blog with just one post each. That is terrible. No one will read your blogs arranged this way, all over the internet.

1. Sign on to your blog using your ID and password here:
2. On your dashboard click on "new post"
3. Type inside the post editor (large box) or upload a photo
4. Publish post.

Your blogging area will be filled by your posts as you add more posts (no limit). The side bars are meant for adding gadgets: About me, archives, labels list, link list etc. Continue to add posts to your blog. Please do not create too many blogs today. What you need to do is add more posts to your blog. One blog is usually enough for most new bloggers.

This term, as used on Blogger, refers to static pages which appear as tabs under the header: Home, About me, recipes, my blog list, etc.  Static pages 9max 10) have only limited uses on Blogger.

create another static page?
On your dashboard, click on edit posts>>edit pages>>new page
A page editor appears. Create a title for your page, create the page, publish page.
You are allowed to have 10 static Pages. They will appear horizontally, as tabs under your header. The first tab will always be [Home]. You may choose the names for the other tabs e.g. About me, contact me, photos, recipes, my other blogs, etc.

Once you understand the above, you can go one step further. Create an entirely new blog for a new topic. All this can be done under the same account. The limit is 100 blogs per account.

create a blog
On your dashboard, click "create a blog" (top, right hand corner) Most new bloggers are happy with just one blog for a long time. Please try not to create too many blogs today.

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