Thursday, January 13, 2011

Why no visitors?

Q: Why aren't there any visits to my blog?

A: You do not have visitors because you do not promote your blog. For example, on this help forum we have many bloggers wondering how to see your blog.  If you are really serious about getting visitors, you could at least tell us your blog address, If you hover your mouse over my ID you can immediately see my blog!

Share your blog
1. Paste your URL in your emails to friends and family members, telling them to use the address bar and not the google search box. There is no need to search when you know the address. Keep on adding more posts to your blog. This tends to improve your Google ranking and make your blog google-able.
2. Update your profile interest list. Each word becomes a link which allows other bloggers with similar interests to find your blog. They do this by clicking on words in their interest list on their own profile e.g. fashion, recipe, golf, photography...
3. When you are reading an interesting blog, leave a comment (using your Google profile). Look at that blogger's list of blogs that he follows (in his profile). Leave genuine and sincere comments on those blogs as well. Leaving comments like this will attract more readers to your own blog (via your Google profile).
4. Create a hover bubble showing your URL on this help forum, read by millions of bloggers worldwide.
This link shows you how to make your own bubble:
5. After you have done all the above, you may consider involving the search engines. A new blog is not immediately found by Google search. To become google-able and popular in the Blogosphere takes a lot more hard work on your part. You need first to post some more interesting stuff that many people want to read/see/listen/watch/buy.
6. You also need to actively promote your blog:

7. Then you get the search engines involved by submitting your blog for listing:
Here are just a few:
Submit Express:


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